Project Description

The activities for establishing the Nordic Engineering Hub are divided into two phases:

Phase 1: September 2018 – September 2021

Project phase financed by the Nordic Council of Ministers, the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership programme and additional funding from the five universities.

The activities carried out during this phase are divided in 4 work packages:

  •  Engineering Education in the future (led by KTH)

The objective is to compare engineering education practices and stakeholders’ ideas of future engineering education. The main findings will be presented in a report that identifies which skills are viewed upon as important and how the perception of engineering education differs across Nordic countries. The study will also provide an overview of similarities and differences in comparison with current curricula and identify variations within the Nordic engineering education landscape.

  • Higher Education Institutions role in continuous education (led by Aalborg University)

The priority is to conduct a comparative study to map strategies and current practices in continuing education in order to identify trends in cross-collaboration and knowledge flow between Nordic universities, industries and professional engineers. Policy recommendations for continuous education strategies will be developed based on the knowledge gathered through the study.

  • Attractiveness of STEM education (led by Aalto University)

The work focuses on identifying factors, which are crucial for: 1) increasing the performance and interest in STEM education to meet the competence demands of Industry 4.0; 2) increasing the number of applicants in STEM, including the safeguard of a gender balance; 3) increasing collaboration between university, comprehensive and upper secondary level education.

  • Knowledge co-creation (led by KTH, NORDTEK and ANE)

The main task is to ensure the coordination among the partners and to ensure effective project management implementation. The focus is also on disseminating results, organising targeted communication activities and providing support to other work packages.

Phase 2: Post September 2021

The Nordic Engineering Hub has positioned itself as a reliable and self-financing focal point with a larger network of stakeholders.

Papers below may be downloaded from the documents folder

Attracting (female) adolescents into STEM studies – where’s the beef?

J. Suviniitty, M. Clavert, Aalto University Espoo, Finland

The Future of Engineering Education: Where Are We Heading?

L. Gumaelius, KTH, Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden

Anette Kolmos, Aalborg University Aalborg, Denmark

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
